They did it. So can you.

Explore their stories, then start your own.


man in red crew neck sweatshirt photography
“I look at walls and see portals to other places.”

Painting the town.

Muralist Jacob Hall, “Jake” to those who familiar with the sight of him cruising around town on the weekends with a plethora of paints, sees possibilities where other see crumbling bricks. Read more about Jake.


woman wearing pink collared half sleeved top
“Every day is a photo safari.”

Since she was a little girl, Harper has leapt at the chance to get her hands on a camera. Today, she has taken her shutter game to the next level, clicking away not only at birthdays and weddings, but snapping portraits for some of the most famous people of our time. Read more about Harper.



adult dark facial expression fashion
“No place but up from here.”


Darius has always had a big imagination. He still designs, but real life bricks and mortar have replaced the LEGOS. Most of the time. Read more about Darius.



To get you fired up about achieving your goals, BitSpo regularly spotlights the stories of other dreamers and doers. Know someone who deserves to be featured? Get in touch and let us know.

Discover more profiles:

Emma: Yogi Extraordinaire

Demi: Coming Soon

Alejandro: Coming Soon











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